"Observe due measure, for right timing is in all things the most important factor."
A certaing thing i have learned throught the journy of my career is Trust. Trust is the ticket you will gain value as an employee, you will be admired as a businessman, as a family man as an individual. The most important question you have to answer yourself though is how do you win points in the trust marathon. Well that is perhaps the most difficult and yet the most profound answer which lies in front of us. "TIMING".
"What means Timing"
Timing is the art of knowing when to say or not say somehting, when to act or when not to act, when to attend or nor attend en event, but above all is to provide your service (you name the service) at the requested time. Timing definition according to Cambridge Dictionary is "the ability to select the precise moment for doing something for optimum effect"
"How timing Affects"
Being an employee you will be assigned tasks or projects to deliver them in certain time. That is all what is about .Delivering things in certain time and report to your line manager that you have completed the task. Completing the task efficienttly is adding to your score but first what counts is the "delivering on time". Even if not an employee but you are delivering any kind of services from one party to another (delivering mail or shopping or finishing a report, exam,etc), delivering it on time is opening the door for a proper evaluation of the service you have delivered. Deliver not and certainly the evaluation will be negatively implanted. Hence your manager will evaluate you at certain point of time on whether he/she can trust on carrying out an activity on time. That for sure will loop back to you as a sense of trustfull unit hence you win confidence over your time management and skills. Being on time is a virtue not everybody has. But for sure the ones who has it , will evolve.
¨Being on time Is the most evident type of giving respect "
If you can be punctual and show that you respect time, you will send a message to others that they should do the same with you. And remember, that when you run frenetically from one thing to the next, you are jeopardizing your chances of mindful, impactful and breakthrough thinking. Being on time allows you to be fully present, mentally agile and receptive to brilliance. These are positive things that you should strive to make a habit of.
On the other hand, not delivering on time initially can be an issue not noticed or ignored. (You think so). But when not happening once but more that once then simply is not a coincidence but a choice. A choise which can be accompanied by many excuses and reasons but those can be hardly understood. Eventually, by not delivering on time will remove points from your profile and gradually you will be undervaluated or ignored not to say discarded. That will demotivate and eventually you are going to lose confidence in your skills and capacities.
"Is timing everything?"
Definitely not. But would be surely positioned among other factors as one of the most improtant things to build your business around. Among others could be said that honesty, efficiency, transparency, completeness , communication are factors which are essential for securing a prosperous relationship. But once again, it does not matter from which perspective you are looking at. Whether you are on the side of the employee offering its services, or a company delivering products or services, or the end person procuring such products or services . Delivering on time is the A on the business alphabet.